I came across this original signed screenprint at a car boot in London and snapped it up as I loved it. I then went onto the internet and looked Patrick Hughes up. I decided to phone him and chat to him about his work. He was a lovely man and very friendly, so friendly he sent me a signed book of his with a lovely postcard in it. Since then I have collected a few of his prints. I particularly like his work from 1970 - 1980. I think he is up there with other British Op artist's of the time, including Paolozzi and Tilson, Terry Frost.

Patrick Hughes was born in Birmingham, England in October 1939. His first exhibition was in 1961 and his first reverspective was made in 1964. He has been exhibiting with Angela Flowers Gallery since 1970.

Hughes' early works were often playful, putting things back to front or squashing them flat, like Clown (1963) and Liquorice Allsorts (1960), setting words against images, like One Two (1962), or against themselves, like Tick Cross (1962). He explored visual oxymorons and paradoxes.[1] His fascination with the illusion of perspective began with works like Infinity (1963), Three Doors (1964) and The Space Ruler (1965).

In the 1970s Hughes hung his investigations of perception and illusion on the motif of the rainbow in a series of prints and paintings, such as Pile of Rainbows (1973), Prison Rainbow (1973) and Leaning on a Landscape (1979). Later prints like Leaf Art (1975) and paintings like Realistic Paint (1977) expressed similar interests with colour.[2]

His first "reverse perspective" or "reverspective" was Sticking Out Room (1964), which was a life-size room for the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in 1970. He returned to explore the possibilities of reverspective in 1990 with Up the Line and Down the Road (1991) [1] Since then, his reverspectives have been shown in London, New York, Santa Monica, Seoul, Chicago, Munich and Toronto.


  1. im here via the brick house! how did i not know about your blog!

    all the best,
    david john

  2. thanks david john, lovely to hear you love my blog, I try to get as much history and knowledge behind the designers and the items. Many thanks MG
